Being there after suicide

When a community member dies by suicide many others are left behind hurting.  Family, friends, colleagues, witnesses, caregivers, first responders and other members of the community can experience grief and distress.  The Support After Suicide team is here to assist anyone impacted in the aftermath of a suicide.

Why provide support after suicide?

It can be difficult to reach out for support after losing someone to suicide, and yet the impact on those bereaved can be significant and lasting.

Accessible, timely and compassionate support that focuses on the unique needs of those bereaved can help to foster resilience and hope in the face of tragic loss.

Working within our communities through outreach, education, and ongoing collaboration, we aim to build support networks that can help to reduce the stigmatization of suicide.

Suicide postvention is prevention for now and future generations.

What can you expect?

The Support After Suicide team proactively reaches out to those impacted by a suicide loss.  They talk with you as soon as you are ready and identify how they might help you through the immediate crisis.  They continue to offer support in the weeks and months ahead.

The Support After Suicide team includes a Mental Health Clinician, Peer Navigator and an OPP Officer who can help to answer questions.  The team offers bereavement counselling, grief groups, resources and referrals to other community supports.

A Peer Navigator brings lived experience with loss of loved ones to suicide.  They understand that loss by suicide can be particularly difficult.

The team can also provide education and support to workplaces, teams, congregations, or community groups that have been impacted by a suicide loss.

How can you access the service?

The Support After Suicide team receives referrals from Victim Services and directly from the OPP.

If you or someone you know needs support after a suicide loss, you can access the team directly or through Here24/7.


The Here4Hope project is representative of Wellington’s collective commitment to act on promoting life and preventing suicide. This work undertaken in recognition of the pain suffered by those who have lost a loved one to suicide, who have attempted suicide, who are struggling with suicidality and to those who respond, support and care for those touched by suicide.